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. World of Life

Since I was 18 years old, I have been li­ving a glo­bal life­style, but my home base has al­ways been in Dres­den. I com­ple­ted my ar­chi­tec­ture stu­dies on four con­ti­nents and foun­ded in 2008 „Mun­do­gra­fia – Gra­phic . Web­de­sign . Pho­to­gra­phy“ di­rectly after gra­dua­ting. In ad­di­tion, I tra­ve­led to 80 count­ries around the world be­fore the start of the COVID-19 pan­de­mic. Since then, I have also been rea­li­zing my per­so­nal pro­ject for more in­ter­cul­tu­ral to­le­rance in the Ger­man so­ciety: the 12 Weltmomente.

Crea­ti­vity is not­hing more

than lea­ving a de­ve­lo­ped road

to search for new paths.


– Willy Meu­rer . Pu­bli­cist –

. World of Architecture (2000–2007)

  • Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Dres­den, Deutsch­land (Dipl.-Ing.)
  • Uni­ver­sity of Talca, Chile (ex­ch­ange year)
  • Uni­ver­sity of Se­ville, Spain (stu­dies for the di­ploma)
  • Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity Riga, Lat­via (in­tern. Work­shop)
  • Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity Ir­kutsk, Si­be­ria (in­tern. Work­shop)
  • Lu­cian Blaga Uni­ver­sity Sibiu, Ro­ma­nia (in­tern. Work­shop)

. World of Projects (2003–2007)

  • Ra­in­fo­rest con­ser­va­tion pro­ject „Selva Viva“, Ecua­dor
  • Slum de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­ject for NGO „ACS“, Spain/​Morocco
  • Urban de­ve­lo­p­ment pro­ject as GIZ as­sistant, Mon­go­lia
  • PR pro­jects at the Goe­the-In­sti­tut Abi­djan, Ivory Coast

. World of Photography (2003–present)

  • Group ex­hi­bi­tion „Fens­ter­bli­cke“, Dres­den fair
  • Solo ex­hi­bi­tion „Le­jano“, Goe­the-In­sti­tut, Sant­iago de Chile
  • Group ex­hi­bi­tion „Se­villa entre cul­turas“, Mo­rocco
  • In­di­vi­dual pro­ject „Streets of Le­ba­non“, Le­ba­non
  • Po­li­ti­cal pro­ject with slum child­ren at NGO „MYSA“, Kenya
  • 1st prize, com­pe­ti­tion „Estu­dio en el sur“, Chile
  • 1st prize, com­pe­ti­tion „Mi­nus­va­li­dos“, Spain
  • 1st prize, com­pe­ti­tion „Ca­pa­city De­ve­lo­p­ment“, GIZ, Ger­many
  • 1st prize, com­pe­ti­tion „Sach­sen“, Kon­rad-Ade­nauer-Stif­tung, Ger­many
  • 1st & 2nd pri­zes, com­pe­ti­tion of the Stu­den­ten­werk Dres­den
  • 2nd prize, com­pe­ti­tion „Gren­zen über­win­den“, GEO MAGAZIN

. World of Design (2008–present)

  • Gra­phic de­sign & Pho­to­gra­phy pro­jects for (inter)national cli­ents

. World of Languages (1982–present)

  • Ger­man, Eng­lish, Spa­nish, French, Rus­sian